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The majority of communities in our country live in extreme poverty and lack access to medical care. As a result, several families suffer from many diseases and unfortunately many die from inadequate medical attention. For this reason we are motivated to coordinate medical clinics to meet the needs of those around us.

 Surely he has borne our grief and carried our sorrows. Isaiah 53:4

How Do Clinics Work?

Before we host a medical or dental clinic, we plan with the community to ensure working spaces, usually classrooms, are clean and ready. We typically treat ## patients, who tend to have pain in their back from carrying wood, or stomach problems. We also do dental clinics to pull teeth and treat conditions of the mouth. We need nurses, nurse practitioners and dentists. Anyone without medical or dental experience is welcomed, as we need people for prayer teams and vacation Bible school, which is usually run alongside clinics to keep the children busy.

If this experience interests you, please contact us to learn more! We are always looking for teams of people who can help us serve others.

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